It’s MedArt Mentor Monday! Peg Gerrity shares fantastic tips, advice and helpful information for illustrators at any stage in their careers. Peg has over 30 years of experience as a successful Certified Medical Illustrator.

“Should I Register the Copyrights to Art I Post on Social Media? My attorney would say yes, as simply marking a © next to one’s signature does not protect the art from piracy. However, it would be impossible and costly to register every doodle, so ask yourself: 1. How ‘finished’ are the sketches I’m posting? 2. How valuable would the usage rights be for the work?

So for example, my sketchbooks tend to look like completed paintings, so I’m more likely to register them than if they were less complete stand-alone pieces. However, as the images here are portraits of family members, the lease value is minimal, so no, I would probably not register them. If my daughter or one of my nieces were public figures however, you can bet I’d register. That is the only way to hold pirates accountable.”

As a Certified Medical Illustrator, Peg Gerrity has over 30 years of experience creating custom digital illustrations and animations for the healthcare, publishing, and pharmaceutical industries. She also creates traditional watercolor paintings while serving as Artist in Residence for various research, cultural, and conservation projects, and lease the rights to those images as needed.
