Featured Image ©Clara Richardson
Entomology is defined as the branch of zoology dealing with the scientific study of insects, including their taxonomy, morphology, physiology, and ecology. Applied aspects of entomology, such as the harmful and beneficial impact of insects on humans, are also studied.
Here are a few explorations of entomology as created by the Medical Illustration Sourcebook artists:
Paul Mirocha
Musca domestica, painted for a new insecticide package design for Bayer corporation
Lizzie Harper
Blue bottle fly
Erica Beade
MCB Graphics
Cottonwood Borer Beetle (Plectrodera scalator)
Gary Raham
Beetle potpourri, featuring the Colorado Potato Beetle
Alison Burke
Bed Bug (Cimex lecticularius)
John Norton
Leafcutter ants transporting leaf fragments through a tunnel to their underground fungus garden
Frank Ippolito
Tiger Lily, Black Swallowtail Butterfly (Lilium humboldtii, Papilio polyxenes) – The Swallowtail’s wings cuts through the air to create leading edge vortices, which creates lift. Loaded with grains of pollen, the wing’s membrane can hardly contain its cargo and the spilled granules dance on vortices in the late afternoon light
Clara Richardson
Stenomalium helmsi, a rove beetle
Jillian Walters
Technical illustration of an Achemon Sphinx moth (Eumorpha achemon) specimen
Amy Bartlett Wright
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is a familiar visitor to garden flowers. It is one of the largest and most common native North American butterflies, yet its larva is less often seen, because the yellow green caterpillar feeds upon leaves that are high in trees
David Killpack
Illumination Studios
Luciola cruciata – Genji Firefly
Jane Whitney
Monarch Life Cycle
Emily Cooper
Assorted Flies and a Moth
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