This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook highlights new work from Mesa Schumacher.

Illustrator: Mesa Schumacher | Mesa Studios

Project: Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple, Color Edition, 6th Edition by Stephen Goldberg, M.D.

About: Sometimes simple is best. Mesa Studios brought color comics to the neuroanatomy classic “Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple.” This new edition contains updated illustrations, charts, and tables in color. This now-classic text (approaching 1,000,000 copies sold) presents the most relevant points while traversing the daunting waters of clinical neuroanatomy. 


Mesa Studios is full service studio specializing in unique and memorable science, medical, and data driven solutions. You have a story to tell, and we are uniquely qualified to help tell it. Armed with scientific knowledge, and an artistic toolkit, we can help you build a bridge to your audience with clear and engaging visuals. Principal artist Mesa Schumacher brings 15+ years of experience solving visual problems in science, and has worked in nearly every industry of science visualization from popular publishing, to academia, pharmaceutical and biotech, to product design. Mesa holds a science degree from Stanford, and a Masters in Medical and Biological Illustration from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and has published in many campaigns, books, and magazines. She is frequent contributor to National Geographic Magazine, and takes on all range of client from the large multifaceted campaign, to the individual researcher.