Featured Image ©Ronald Guastaferri

The heart is arguably the most important organ. Although only the size of a fist, it is held responsible for pumping blood through our entire body.

Given the heart’s arduous task of supplying the body with blood every day, it must be well taken care of. A heart that is improperly cared for may develop heart disease, the leading cause of death among Americans.

Let’s take a closer look at the workings of this fascinating organ through the illustrations and animations created by the Medical Illustration Sourcebook Artists:

Stephan Kuslich
Ghost Productions, Inc

Ghost Productions


Marie Dauenheimer
Medical Illustration Studio

Cardiovascular system in body


Brian Hagen
Meditech Communications, Inc

3d render of atherosclerosis. This plaque filled vessel is displayed as a cross section to fully see the state of the disease


Christy Krames
Christy Krames


Adam Questell
A KYU Design



Kevin A. Somerville
Depiction of the separation of the layers in the wall of the muscular aorta and the subsequent bloodflow pattern that results


William Scavone
Kestrel Studio

KEstrel Studio
Nervous system control of cardiovascular system


Kevin A. Somerville
Kevin Somerville
Heart Transplant Surgery


Mike Austin
Internal Art Medical Illustration

Mike Austin
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement


Elaine Kurie
Elaine Kurie
Blood Flow in the Heart


Thomas A. Graves


Linda Nye


Molly Borman-Pullen
Molly Borman Biomedical Illustrations, Inc.

Conduction System of the Heart


Ben Smith
Ben Smith
Aging of the Heart


Kimberly Battista
Battista Illustration

Carotid artery disease screening


Ronald Guastaferri
Synapse Studios



Mesa Schumacher
Infographic mapping of the electric current pathways through 3D anatomy of the heart. EKG graphic of depolarization.


Alan Gesek
Anterior View of the Heart


Maciej Frolow
Artificial heart


Hybrid Medical Animation


Destry Sloane
Animated Biomedical Productions

Clogged blood vessel in the foot


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