My undergraduate fine art degree is in Printmaking. Mostly screenprinting (serigraphy) but lots of etching, lithography, monoprinting, and also painting of course. Not a ton of relief printing for me back then, but just enough to love it. Fast forward blankety-blank number of years to today and I’m spending much of my time in the digital world at work. I’ve been trying to paint more and more as an artist release, but it can be hard to fit in with a growing business and a couple of small children.

This weekend I was able to attend a pirate printmaking workshop at Michigan State University’s Broad Museum Art Lab. First of all, I am so excited to even know about the Art Lab. It is just what it sounds like, a place you can go to make art! Thoroughly impressed; will be back. And the workshop was just what I needed. I don’t believe there’s anything stifling about doing most of your work digitally – however, you do need to get out and LOOK at the world around you for inspiration and to breathe. I’ve been lucky to do that recently with gardens, libraries, children’s museums… but are you sensing a theme here? It was nice to get out as an adult, and do something just for me on a Saturday. Many thanks to Britta Urness for teaching!

I’m getting ready to add some scenes to a medical device animation about hip replacement cup augments, a very specific treatment needed to make a hip replacement work in a pelvis with bone loss… this is something that has to be accurate, but a creative eye helps make it look good too. I’m so glad to be refreshed and feeling artistic before getting back into it!

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking

Getting outside for some printmaking