The medical animation script is the foundation of any project. It defines the main characteristics of the project: the number of scenes, their duration, and content.


Year of Creation


At the stage of creating the script, there is a search for references
(analogies by type and quality) and examples for visualization. That is why it is wrong to consider the script as “a common direction of thought, which in the end can be corrected”.

Everything that happens in the video will look exactly as written in the script. It is critically important not to miss any detail, idea, and suggestion that you have, and invest the maximum creative energy of the client team at this stage. In return, we will help you deal with the material and clarify all the points that require attention.

Medical animation script


Medical animation script

Medical animation script

Medical animation script

Medical animation script

Medical animation script

The post Medical animation script appeared first on Nanobot Medical Animation Studio.