ARKit is a framework for augmented reality (AR) applications designed by Apple. These turn any place into an environment, where the actions of the app take place. It’s a component of iOS 11, but Apple just announced ARKit 2 in the upcoming iOS 12.
Year of Creation
What do we need to start using it?
All you need is to have iPhone or iPad with iOS 11 or higher installed. ARKit uses built-in hardware, such as motion-tracking sensors and camera, to make AR apps possible.
What is the algorithm of its work?
Using camera and sensors ARKit create a digital map of the surrounding space. It scans the necessary dimensions of the area by finding plane surfaces like walls and floor. Then, it tracks the movement of the device to calculate the position of virtual objects. ARKit is Apple’s answer to Google’s Project Tango.
Motion co-processors like in iPhone 7 Plus’s M10 can track data by processing information from the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer expeditiously, thus allowing motions to be monitored in a 3D space without immoderate hardware usage.
What is it all about?
The primary purpose of ARKit is to pin virtual objects to the real surroundings and operate them using the touchscreen. It puts 3D images in your world using visual inertial odometry, which processes data from your device’s sensors to track your world and the device’s position and orientation relative to the view you’re looking at.
How do we see it?
In our Studio, we believe that this technology will be a breakthrough in medical education. Today, we are creating handy AR apps to teach students anatomy and various other medical subjects. With ARKit 2, we see the whole medical education system advancing to another level.

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