This week, the Medical Illustration & Animation Sourcebook highlights recent work from MedDraw Studio.

Illustrator: MedDraw Studio

Project: “A New Kind of Rectal Diversion in Classic Bladder Exstrophy”

Client: Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Pediatrics Nationwide

From the artist: As the medical illustrator behind this groundbreaking article, I’m thrilled to share insights on a novel rectal diversion technique for classic bladder exstrophy. In this innovative approach, urine exits through the rectum, similar to ureterosigmoidostomy. However, the ureters remain connected to the bladder, serving as a low-pressure reservoir.


At MedDraw Studio, I work with medical, legal, and scientific professionals to communicate complex information to a lay audience in the form of patient and consumer education materials and demonstrative exhibits. These illustrations show general anatomy, surgical procedures, injury summaries, mechanism of injury, timelines, and medical imaging interpretation. With a background in advertising, marketing, education, and biological and anatomical sciences, it is my goal to create a unique solution to each client’s communication needs. I meet personally with each client (by phone, skype, email, or in person), review materials, and come up with a solution created specifically for each project. ~ Mandy Root-Thompson